27 aug. 2011

O altfel de gradina

Cu multa imaginatie poti sa creezi o gradina verticala folosind sticle goale din plastic. Imaginile sunt sugestive! Ideea este originara din Brazilia, unde o firma de arhitectura ajuta (in cadrul unui show televizat) familiile sarace sa-si redecoreze casele. Ce interesant ar fi sa se aplice in orice balcon sau terasa. Aceste "ghivece" se pot picta in culori vesele si astfel se poate adauga un plus de atractivitate si frumusete unei zone in care iti primesti oaspetii sau te odihnesti in timpul liber.

2 comentarii:

  1. Even a humble plastic bottle can be used vreatively... It gives me hope that the simple container that is me may also sprout flowers of beauty and fragrance...

  2. Dear friend, the human body is not a "simple container". Enlarging your idea, we can creatively use our souls to enrich the atmosphere around us with joy and beauty by spiritual means. Thank you for the visit, I wait for your precious thoughts any time when you like to share them with me.
