"Creativitatea este abilitatea de a vedea relatii (conexiuni) acolo unde ele nu exista" (T. Disch)

11 oct. 2010
Fotografii originale (1)
Multi dintre noi suntem pasionati de fotografie, dar putini ne perfectionam in acest domeniu. Fotografia imortalizeaza momente speciale din viata noastra, peisaje pline de farmec, animalutele preferate, jocurile copiilor, cladiri incarcate de istorie, florile din imediata noastra apropiere etc. Putini au suficient de multa imaginatie si un car de noroc sa surprinda ceva uimitor: o grimasa caraghioasa, o situatie la limita, un apus de soare cuibarit in palma... ceva care stirneste o emotie in privitor. Azi va prezint citeva mostre de astfel de fotografii, urmind sa mai postez pe masura ce gasesc.... Sper sa va placa!
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For me, such photos as these are tricks rather than the everyday with is moments of wonder, its visions of beauty... I love to see beauty of a flower, or the touch of a lover, or the style of a building or the splash of water on the rocks, the flurry of the curtains at the window... These are things that move my emotions and stir my thoughts...
RăspundețiȘtergereI added these photos because the blog is focused upon creativity, and you cannot deny that they are a little different than common pictures. It is not a matter "I like them or I don't like them", it is about finding extraordinary moments in our daily life. Thank you for your opinion. You are welcome here any time....